Charity support


Every year the CWC supports associations. Fundraising is organized through

several events : a Christmas Sale, a Spring Jumble Sale and various seminars.

We count on your support during these events.

Be generous !

If you want to participate to our charity event and become a 





Associations of the moment : 



"SOS eau Giteranyi"


In Burundi, health problems caused by water shortages are widespread and severe:4% of children under the age of 5 die from diarrhoeal diseases.

These diseases are related to both the insufficient quantity of drinking water and its poor quality. Epidemics of cholera and dysentery that lead to severe dehydration in patients and several cases of death are often reported. Giteranyi, a village of 3000 inhabitants in northern Burundi, lies on a plateau at 1600 m that lacks infrastructure for water supply. The project, initiated in Geneva in 2015 by Mrs. Xavière Sinahra, involves drilling and installing a mechanical pump to supply the village with drinking water. This project is being developed at EPFL and will be led on site by Dr. Bakundaktze, Professor of Hydrological Sciences at the University of Bujumbura.

Association website